Meningioma tumors are treatable by surgical removal in the brain or spinal areas. In addition, Dr. Anderson and the Summit Brain and Spine Team help people manage symptoms of movement disorders for many years at a time.
What is Meningioma?
Meningioma tumors are usually non-cancerous but reside in vital areas of the brain and spinal cord that generally require removal to reduce risks of damage. Once an MRI or PET-CT scan identifies the tumor, a course takes action or at least monitoring the tumor impact needs to be developed.
Is Surgical Removal of Meningioma Necessary?
If you have been diagnosed with meningioma tumor(s) cancerous or non-cancerous, exploring your options with an oncologist, radiologist, neurosurgeon, or other specialists will educate you about the benefits and risks of having surgery. Dr. Anderson and his team at Summit Brain and Spine commonly collaborate with cancer specialists from the region to offer the best options for each patient.